Is anyone else sick of rain??? I swear it always rains more in May than any other month. It does, seriously. I've said this for like the past 3 years. I'm actually tempted to look up the rainfall amount for the last 3 years because I know I am SO right!! I'm always right LOL. It's cold also. BRRRR!!!! Here in a few weeks I'll be complainging because it's to sunny and hot. Bipolar much?? Well yes, actually I am LOL. Me?? Imagine that ::::GASP::: LOL. Seriously it's no big deal. I just tend to roll with it. Somedays I have good days and others I'm the bitch from hell and can't stand myself. Usually I'm pretty easy going though so it's all good. Life is about the journey, not the destionation is what I've always said. I'm a pretty positive person and I like to see the good in everything and everyone. People do suck though so, I try to overlook stupidity when I can. Except for the people at McDonalds who forget to give me straws every single time. That is just unaccaptable and I must get out of my truck and go in and yell at them. Yes, I seriously did and I grabbed a handful of straws and walkked out the door. I'm sure my photo is now posted at fast food chains all over the place. Above them it probably says "CRAZY STRAW LADY" LOL
Well, for weeks they hadn't been giving me straws. Usually you get screwed on your food at the drive thru, not shorted straws. I have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old and they need their straws. So after being strawless 2 days in one week. The following week I asked "Do I have straws?" Rudely I was told,"yes I put them in there myself." Ok, cool. I go to pull out and yes I did have straws but ONLY 2 and I had 4 drinks. WTH??? I backed my truck up, went into McDonalds, grabbed my handful of straws, and then yelled, "I'M TAKING THESE STRAWS BECAUSE YOU (as I pointed at the worker) DIDN"T GIVE ME ENOUGH AFTER I SPECIFICALLY ASKED YOU!!!!" I know, what was I thinking?? LOL Well, it was just one of those days. That is something I have never done nor ever thought I would do. I've found out the older I get though, the less I'm able to tolerate stuff like that.
Oh well, maybe next time she'll be able to get it right when she puts straws in a bag.
2 hours ago
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I HATE getting shorted on straws!
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LMAO that is hilarious. I would so do that. Here from Tuesdays Tag along, now following you. You can follow back at
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I want the rain to go away too!
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I understand the straw issue..that is one of my pet peeves! And the older I get the less tolerant I am too! I think McDonalds is lucky you didn't just drive into the store!! LOL
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I hate getting my drink, getting down the road a bit and then there is NO straw! I'd rather them forget my food than the straw!
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