I just like saying that because Guy on Diners, Drive Inn's and Dives says it all the time LOL. Well, I feel like a HUGE winner today. A friend of mine and myself had a garage sale today at her house. I made NOTHING!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!! Big winner I am LOL. That's ok, there's still a chance tomorrow and if not it's no biggie because it's stuff I didn't really want anyway and it was going to the Goodwill. Still though, a little extra cash would've been awesome. I am exhausted. Still runing around like a chicken with me head cut of going here, going there. UGH!!!! For the next 2 weeks, I have 3 playdates each week. I hope it rain on at least one of them so I can cancel. I'm just toally scheduling myself for to much. UGH!!! There's just not enough hours in the day it seems like. I need some ME time. Everything I do is all family involved in some way. That's ok and I love it but I need some down time before I crack, KWIM?? LOL
Well,it's not going to be tonight because we have to be at the soccer field at 5:30 which is less than an hour away so,I'll catch you later :)
3 hours ago
I said winner winner chicken dinner today when J's diaper was full! LOL Hope the garage sale went better today!